1. Finish Chris' anniversary gift.
2. Get some reading done for Sociology/Political Science
3. Watch Goodbye Lenin
4. Deeply review Italian, mostly the grammer and vocabulary I skipped out on.
5. Write a blog in Italian
6. Save money for Europe and moving out
7. Get a game plan for working this summer at a second job.
8. Talk to Professor Shipka about minor
9. Make plans to visit Monica during winter break
10. Research to see if any of my favorite bands are coming close any year soon
11. Get a new haircut in about 6 weeks. I have bangs that swoop to the side but they used to also have the option of going straight down. I want both options and maybe all one length, take out the excessive layering. Somewhat like this haircut...

13. Buy foreign movies, especially Roberto Begnini's movies.
14. Find some form of exercise. I now weigh 3 pounds more than my max weight (110). I have been eating a little better but I still drink coffee drinks like mocha cremices and I eat ice cream and don't exercise often.
After seeing Whip It! I am inspired to lace up some four wheel skates. I don't like to workout in a gym, I prefer tennis or something outdoors and not boring. But I really want to try skating for the work out and improve coordination.
Ciao ragazzi!
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