1. What is my favorite book?
This is an extremely hard question to answer. I love reading. I have read many great books including the Harry Potter series. But if I had to choose one book I guess I would say Q&A by Vikras Swarup (the movie on which Slumdog Millionaire was loosely based). I could reread it over again and I recommended to several people (all of whom loved it). It was an excellent book.

As far as nonfiction goes, I have to say Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper. Cooper tells a very interesting story about his career; his mother sophisticate Gloria Vanderbilt marrying his father, a farmer from Mississippi; his brother's suicide and his experiences around the world.

2. Who are three people I admire whom I do not personally know.
First, easily, is Napoleon Bonaparte. He was an Italian. Bonaparte was an extremely intelligent military genius and Emperor of France. He ordained himself and his wife (pretty mind blowing in terms of having balls). Not only did he raise France's status and establish alliances other lands. Once he was exiled to Elba, he became ruler of Elba and escaped within the year back to France with full military support.

Secondly, Johnny Depp. Not only do I think he is gorgeous, I think he is a great actor. I have been fascinated with him since I saw Cry Baby at six years old. I like how he goes for the off beat roles like Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow, and Sweeney Todd.

Third is John Kennedy. I believed he could have helped bring about the social reform the country desperately needed in the 60s. I believe he held ideas to bring America together and is what America had been waiting for. I am neither Republican nor Democratic (I suppose I'm more Republican) but I think John Kennedy was our remedy. We lost him too soon. Kennedy was also an excellent orator.

3. If I could play any character in a movie, who would I play?
I would play Kate Hudson in Almost Famous. I would have loved to have lived in in the late 60s-70s. The music had an air of freedom, sex and groove. Her character plays a "band aid"-someone who truly loves the music. Hudson really pulls of the free spirited hippie in love with a band member. I would have loved to play this role.

Another character I would do is Robin Wright Penn in Forrest Gump. Jenny lives through so many hardships and sometimes hit rock bottom. She lived her life like the wind, going any way it took her even if it hurt her and lead to her eventual death. Jenny could say she never missed out on living and she found true love in the midst of all her turmoil.

4. If I was any kitchen appliance, what would I be?
I would be a microwave because I like to do things in the easiest way possible.
Nicely done :)